2022-03-19 来源:动态图库网
gift是什么意思_gift的用法和短语例句中文意思是什么gift是礼物neverlookagifthorseinthemouth是什么意思its a gift 是什么意思?_礼物_英语学习_教育_外语英语| 让英语习语带你飞:to look a gift horse in the mouth英语| 让英语习语带你飞:to look a gift horse in the mouth= to look in a critical way at something that has been given to老外说its a gift!居然不是个"礼物"!那是啥意思?straight from the horses mouth英语| 让英语习语带你飞:to look a gift horse in the mouthgift giving: we got you. christmas and holidaylook at me! this is the mouthkitty, touch your mouth.77 never look a gift horse in the mouth.never give – eye4gift单词分享545 mouth的动词解你们猜是会是什么意思呢?预订 from the horses mouth: one lucky me. [9781943654086]